So we decided it was time for our boy to attend his first baseball game. Huge success! He loved every minute of it...even though we only went to see the county Manatees...and they lost. Although he didn't watch much of the actual game, the experience was priceless.
Before the game, we made a pit stop to Walmart to get him a real baseball glove, bat, and some balls. Great idea. He never let go of that glove the entire time. The night consisted of baseball corndogs, unlimited soda drinking, catching practice with some new friends (he seriously will make friends with anyone who glances his way), throwing practice (he threw his ball 12 mph), fun with Mr. Manatee, running the bases with all of the 200+ kids, and only one tantrum when we had to leave at 11:00pm. Needless to say, he cannot wait to turn 5 so he can sign up for T-ball. He has asked countless times since then, "Mommy, how much longer till I'm 5?"
When we told Bryce to go and get his glove, this is what he came back with. Clearly, the baseball game visit was very overdue.
Practicing with his new glove before the big game.
Waiting in line for tickets.
Nothing like a stadium corndog

"Watching" the game.

All of the kids running the bases during an inning change.