So, although we had an amazing and definitely memorable time, it wasn't captured in our pictures that day the way I was aiming for. What was captured though, are moments we shared as a family...
Odd, I know, but I never want to forget Hailey's little quirks...and one of them is trying on shoes.
Even Daddy's shoes. She put them on, ran over near the pool to pose for a quick shot, then came running back to me so she could see the pic I just took of her.
Gotta love those Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwiches.
It's pictures like this one that make me feel so blessed to have 2 beautiful, healthy kids.
Another one of our emotions captured...Hailey's nasty face staring me down after she attempted to throw her $14.95 Sleeping Beauty light up spinning toy...the nerve.
Throwing pennies into the fountain at our hotel...a morning ritual. Bryce actually got a couple of them in the top.
Daddy and Bryce on their way to breakfast.
One of those magical moments I was telling you about...for me anyway. Bryce has mentioned several times that this was his favorite part of the day. He completely enjoyed the characters.
Bryce and Pooh at the character lunch at Crystal Palace.
This is how Hailey looked at all the characters...from the safe comfort of her friend, highchair.
Classic...on It's a Small World.
Lego Dragon at Downtown Disney.
Hailey and Stitch...the only character she'd even go near. And she doesn't even know who he is...go figure. of my sour face photos while we were waiting in line for 40 minutes...and yes, Hailey has that card in her mouth that they hand out to keep your place in line. Yes, the one that goes through millions of peoples hands everyday. Yup, that card.
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