BORED!! Tropical Storm Fay has our family completely bored!! I have no idea how I would survive living up north when you have to stay indoors for a good part of the year. This storm has forced me to be on real mommy duty. And boy am I worn out. It's harder than it looks I promise. Here's our activities for day 1 of Fay:

1. Watching the updated weather report 24/7

2. Making handmade jewelry with Hailey. This task was insane and involved teeny-tiny crystals that NO toddler should ever be in charge of. Let's just say the vacuum was involved more than once and I'm still wearing shoes in my house bc I can't get rid of the stinkin crystals.
3. Homemade chocolate chip cookies that we attempted to have in the shape of Bryce's name. Didn't work one ever told me NOT to bake the cookie cutters too. OOPS.
4. Candyland x3!!! Yikes...that's enough to put anyone over the edge.
5. Movie time for the fam...and finally, she passed out.
This tree can't see to make up her it going to sway to right???

Or to the left??? And yes, I promise it's the same tree. Damn Fay!
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