"First Day of School, First Day of School..." (Nemo says this to his dad in the beginning of the movie...sad I know) this is what I awoke Bryce up with this morning as I popped right out of bed with NO problem, got myself dressed, and proceeded with First Day of School routine...even if it is only preschool and only 3 days a week. I never thought I would be one of those parents that was excited about a new school year...oh, how very wrong I was. We need a break. And although, I did feel that twinge of sadness and emptiness as I watched him find his name on his table in his classroom, sit down with hands folded, and look at me as I watched through the door, I did manage to overcome this feeling within a couple of minutes without any hysterical, crying phone calls to my girlfriends this time around. So...needless to say...we're ready!

Sheer excitement...I think he's more excited about his Ninja Turtle lunchbox than anythin else.
Hailey wants so badly to go to school...must be a 2nd kid thing. Bryce wanted NO part of it at her age. She actually cried when she wasn't allowed in his classroom.
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