Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why I love little girls...

A couple of weekends ago, Hailey's friend, Sydney, had a princess birthday party. The below pics include some of the reasons I'm so thankful God gave us a little girl. Happy Birthday Sydney!

I love you

Many of you who know Bryce also know that he is a little selfish with his declarations of love if you're not "his family". However, his teacher's birthday was last week and he wanted to make her a special card with stamps, stickers, fuzzies, etc... When I asked him what he wanted to write in the card, he answered "I love you...Love, Bryce". After I picked my heart up off of the floor, I showed him how to write his first love letter. Although, I'm thrilled that he loves his new teacher and had to sleep next to his creation, I was a little sad that it wasn't for me.

PS...every word you see here was written by Bryce himself. I think I love his teacher as much as he does.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Doesn't get any better...

than these things if you're 4 and 2...1. Kid sandwich on mom and dad's bed...

2. Friends since birth (yes, all of them)...

3. Husband and wife coloring side by side at age 2...

4. Dinner on the couch AND watching TV...

5. Eating sno cones in the driveway...

6. Playing in the rain at the zoo while eating Dippin Dots

7. Looking up to big brother...


Question #1: Why is it that these 2 unimportant tasks were on my list of "important things to do"?
Question #2: Why do I care so much?
Anyhow, I checked them off of above mentioned list. That afternoon was productive.

-Clean oven

-Organize closet

How long...

will this last? I love the fact that Hailey follows me around with her "glups" to "help" me clean the house. Her favorite room in the house to clean is the bathroom. long will this last? I hope her undying love for cleaning doesn't cease anytime soon. I need help around here for a long time.