Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Disney Trip

So as you can see by the amount of pictures for this post, I was having a minor dilemma deciding which pictures capture that "Disney Magic" feeling. Or could it be that as I was looking back over my pictures from that day, nothing really "magical" jumped out at me. There were only a couple of pictures that captured a feeling, but not that so called Disney feeling. We didn't take the traditional family pic in front of the castle...nope. Nor did we get a family shot of us all with Mickey and Minnie...nope. Didn't get those heart warming pictures as our family of 4 experienced the Dumbo ride or Teacups...nope. Didn't even buy our kids Mickey Ears to wear around the park...nope. And of course, waiting in line only produced sour face photos (which I have captured perfectly and think my kids should be poster children for).
So, although we had an amazing and definitely memorable time, it wasn't captured in our pictures that day the way I was aiming for. What was captured though, are moments we shared as a family...

Bryce on the dragon slide at our hotel...a very happy experience.

Odd, I know, but I never want to forget Hailey's little quirks...and one of them is trying on shoes.

Even Daddy's shoes. She put them on, ran over near the pool to pose for a quick shot, then came running back to me so she could see the pic I just took of her.

Gotta love those Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwiches.

It's pictures like this one that make me feel so blessed to have 2 beautiful, healthy kids.

Here's the miss standing in front of a speaker where Ariel's singing is coming out of...she just didn't get it...Oh and yes, we were one of few who let their girl run around in a diaper while visiting Pooh's Playground. Hey, it had water...can't be gettin the clothes all wet.

A "cheesy" moment at Disney while eating.

Another one of our emotions captured...Hailey's nasty face staring me down after she attempted to throw her $14.95 Sleeping Beauty light up spinning toy...the nerve.

Throwing pennies into the fountain at our hotel...a morning ritual. Bryce actually got a couple of them in the top.

Daddy and Bryce on their way to breakfast.

Hailey with Sleeping Beauty after she practically launched her autograph book to the princess in fear of being touched by her. And yes, I'll spare you, but I had to be in all the pics with all the princesses...otherwise, disaster unfolded.

One of those magical moments I was telling you about...for me anyway. Bryce has mentioned several times that this was his favorite part of the day. He completely enjoyed the characters.

Bryce and Pooh at the character lunch at Crystal Palace.

This is how Hailey looked at all the characters...from the safe comfort of her friend, highchair.

Classic...on It's a Small World.

Leaving the pool at our hotel.

Bryce and friend, Tiger.

Lego Dragon at Downtown Disney.

Hailey and Stitch...the only character she'd even go near. And she doesn't even know who he is...go figure. of my sour face photos while we were waiting in line for 40 minutes...and yes, Hailey has that card in her mouth that they hand out to keep your place in line. Yes, the one that goes through millions of peoples hands everyday. Yup, that card.

Just fun!

Our great friends, Chad and Glenna, took us out on their boat a couple weekends ago. The day couldn't have been more beautiful. Thanks guys!

I'm sure this is real safe...

This too... Oh and get a load of her shoes...they're mine. Yes, we have an obsession with shoes in our house. And yes, I let her wear my shoes everywhere...even to Target the other day. To think I used to swear I would never do such things.

Hailey and her bud, Chase, having a little snack.

Friday, April 18, 2008

A big bed for a big girl

Here is our big miss in her new big girl bed. Now we just need some of those jail rails to keep her from falling out in the middle of the night. We are also in want of our old wake up time of 7:30am. This 6:25am business is for the birds! I might as well get a job! I can't believe our trusted friend, crib, has a new home...the garage. That is, unless we decide to try for another?

Oh and of course, Bryce had to be in on the picture taking. Jealous? Nah.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Brianne and Dave are engaged!

As I write this, I'm actually smiling ear to ear. There isn't a single person in this world who deserves to be happier than my very own sister. She's waited for these moments for as long as I can remember. Brianne, it's your turn this time and I'll be here to plan and celebrate with you every step of the way.

Fun times

A couple of friends and I took the kiddos to the zoo yesterday. The big highlight for us was the dinosaur exhibit. Our first time through, Bryce was no less than terrified which had me slightly concerned due to the recent princess pics that I posted of him...need I say more? However, he managed to redeem himself the second time through as he led our pack through the trail of beasts. Hailey on the other hand, was like saran wrap around my hip (hence the reason I had to be in the below shot of the kids). There was nothing that could break that suction. All in all, we had a great day with great weather.

Sifting through the sand for some fossils.

This is the shot of the day...check out Caden's left hand...strategically placed around my daughters waist...what a lover.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm worried...

about my son. Take a look at these pictures and let me know what you think. Brian is going to kill me for posting these. But I figure we'll all get a good laugh when Bryce is older.

...and if that's not bad enough...take a look at the one above...there are a few concerns here...must I mention them?

Apparently it's quite a trend to wear cowboy boots with shorts...

Some "me" time

First let me start by recapping what an awful week I had prior to this "me time". Bryce came down with the flu on Thursday night and I came down with the flu Wednesday afternoon which equates to 9 straight days in this house with 2 kids, one sick as a dog, and one literally banging on the back door to go outside to play. Did I mention that I got the flu too? Now I know this might not sound so horrible to some of you (all 5 of you who actually read this blog) but for me I truly think there were tears shed over this situation. It literally makes my skin crawl to not be able to go outside, clean my house, organize things, get on my computer, and to watch germs multiply.

Last weekend my sister treated my mom and I to some R&R for 2 whole nights. I'm pretty sure we defined R&R .... here are some of my favorite parts of that much needed break...thanks Bri. And a big thank you to my wonderful hubby for watching the kiddos and as if that's not enough...for cleaning the entire house on his own (toilets, floors, vacuum, the whole deal).

Highlight #1: only 1 small suitcase needed

Highlight #2: comfy, cozy, fancy beds (well, fancier than mine and kid free)

Highlight #3: can you believe there was a "sleep package" on the beds complete with eye mask, sleep CD, ear plugs, and some spray mist for the bedding

Highlight #4: sleeping was encouraged and enjoyed (oh yes, you know I used that eye mask)

Highlight #5: quality time for mother and daughters

Highlight #6: eating at one of my favorites with just adults

We have some sprouts...

Finally after waiting for what seemed like forever...we have some spouts... Bryce is very protective over his new tomato plants. Now that they've sprouted, I had to move them into "full sun" per directions. He can't stand the fact that they're in a new location.
We can't wait for them to produce some tomatoes. Wonder how long that'll take...