Monday, June 23, 2008


So...I finally got a new camera after months of hinting around. Christmas went by, Mother's Day too, and finally my birthday last week...Brian came through. I'm so excited to use it that I can hardly waste the time to read about how to use it. will see lots of these sporadic pictures in the upcoming posts of me trying out my new toy. And not to mention, anyone or anything that's willing to let me experiment on them.
So here's my smorgasboard of photos as I play with my camera, which by the way, is a Nikon D40 SLR camera...just incase anyone was wondering, probably not. Feel free to give me pointers and loads of advice...I'm still learning. Although, it does make it does make me feel like an expert when I have such adorable subjects to photograph.

Another day at the beach...yes, we're constantly loading up on the sunscreen...SPF 45 might I add.

Mom and Dad

Now this isn't something you see everyday...the Miss dirty???

Bryce and his buddies, Hailey (yes, she thinks she's way cool), Tristan, and Aaron

Face painting at Vacation Bible this one. Oh and we had to sleep with these faces on, go to Target, and brush our teeth without ruining them...

Future husband #1 again...

Thata girl

Have I mentioned we have a new bar in town?

Family night downtown

Happy Birthday to me'd I do??? With the picture taking that is???

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I'm sure I've said it before and I'll say it just can't beat a playdate at the beach...

Hailey ordering her future husband, Caden, around. She collects the shells and he puts them in her bucket.

Closer look at future husband #1...isn't he to die for? He's just as sweet as he looks, I promise.

Future husband #2, Chase...another cutie posing with his mom, Glenna.

Luke trying to escape into the ocean while Bryce watches. God forbid we lose the lollipop.


Some pics from good times at Sheer

Neil, our partner and bartender

Aunt Janice and Uncle Richard...loyal first customers

Nikki, Joy, and me...enjoying ourselves

Does he at least look like he knows what he's doing? That's the goal...

Friends and good times. More pics to come soon.

Isn't it amazing...

How one can go from this...

To this... in a matter of one millionth of a second?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kung Fuya

Today was a very anticipated day if your name is Bryce. He has been waiting so impatiently to see Kung Fu Panda...well, the day was here. I took his buddy Asher and off we went. And of course after the movie, we just had to go to McDonald's for a Happy Meal to get the toys to match. Now one make think that you should just "take what you get" from the Happy Meal...oh if only it were that simple. You see, we've already made multiple trips to McDonald's for these character toys so we have many of the characters; therefore, we had some special requests this visit. I had to (or else) personally speak to a manager in order to get "Tigress" in our Happy Meal. Now that's customer service...thanks Mickey Dee's.

Asher showing off his Kung Fu moves during the movie. He repeatedly said, "I'm just a boy who wants to Kung Fu."

Push play and take a peek...

After just a couple of weeks of intense "swimming boot camp" around here...she SWIMS. Although, I wouldn't quite count on her saving herself just yet. She still gets a little confused while underwater swimming. However, we're so proud.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sheer Bar

Brian, along with his partner, Neil, have just opened a new bar in Downtown Melbourne. We had our "friends & family" opening last weekend and were extremely pleased with the response. Sheer has been in the works since the end of last year, so we are so glad to finally reveal it to the public.
On a side note: I think I have the most hard working, dedicated and intelligent man in the world as a husband. I have no idea where he continues to get his drive and motivation after working a very demanding full time job, opening a new business, while at the same time dedicating himself to our family. Yes, it has been (and I'm sure will still be) very stressful some days due to lack of face time; however, he's doing a fine job. I'm so proud of him! Now let's all say a collective "awww."

Stay tuned for more pictures of the bar itself...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Swimmin'

There's just nothing like summer photos and swimming playdates.

Don't even bother asking her if she wants your help with these goggles...we're "2" over here and it's in full swing folks. This is the way she likes the goggles and that's that. What do you think?

Logan and Bryce

Here they times.

Trying to pretend for me and take a nice picture...can't you tell how much he loves it?

She finally gave in ...

to nap time...
even if it was on the floor by her door, dressed up in cinderella gloves with flip flops on.

Our Memorial Day

Okay, so I know Memorial Day has come and gone now and I'm behind, but here's to a great day with family.

Me, Hailey, and Gi Gi

Can't ever go wrong with water balloons.

I'm starting to think we will be having quite a situation on our hands with this one.
Yes, those are water balloons strategically placed in her suit.

...And maybe this one too.

Uncle Jeff looking relaxed

My grandma and me...

this woman has a way of taking each day and living it out completely. God love her as she battles cancer for the 3rd time.