Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Let's just hope this is the ONLY bottle of Tamiflu that our family sees this week. My mantra today...good handwashing, good handwashing, good handwashing...

Poor buddy. Hasn't moved from couch since 11:30. Sad.

Just Hailey

Seriously, do they come any cuter?

There's just no way...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Carrabba's: our favorite restaurant, Girl Scout Cookies: our favorite sweet treat, Cards, Candlelight, and Quiet ... = The Perfect Valentine's Day.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


These 3 boys have been friends since birth! Us moms have all agreed, we have some fabulous blackmail to show their future girlfriends.

Underwear on the outside...quality!

T-Ball Time

It's official...we've joined T-Ball! We've only had 3 practices so far! Stay tuned for the funny happenings...and boy is it funny! 5 year olds should have a license to play T-Ball...seriously.

Playin' Hookie

Last week, Hailey went to bed with a 103 degree temperature. I quickly took the opportunity to get a sub, make a Dr. appt for Hailey, and let Bryce "play hookie." Of course, the morning arrived...NO Fever, NO signs of sickness...and NO school for me and Bryce! Yippee! Here's a recap of the nice day we enjoyed...all to ourselves.

Making "Sand Angels" in the sand at the park!

Building tunnels for cars in the sand.

Designing dominoe designs and knocking them down. I thought I should take a picture of this one, since it literally took us 7 attempts before it was complete.

A nice ending to the day...ice cream at Friendly's!
Note: The very next night, Bryce came down with the high fever...only his lasted for an entire week...Karma is a __________!