Saturday, March 29, 2008

Who Knew?

So...we had to have our family picture taken for our church directory. I don't know about you, but I dread these photo sessions with such passion. I never like the backgrounds, the fake poses, the props, screaming kids, etc... However, this time I was pleasantly surprised. We even got a copy of the session on a disk with a photo copyright release...for a "small" fee. Here are some of my favorites...take a look...who knew?

Of course they don't touch the quality of my friend, Ginny's pics but hey, not too shabby for a mandatory shoot.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tomatoes anyone?

Bryce must be learning about gardens and vegetables at school over the past couple of weeks because he's had this unusual interest in planting things...particularly vegetables...not that he likes to eat very many of them. After trying to convince him that mommy's thumb is not so green, and a "garden" was out of the question we decided to take baby steps and start small. So...I found this fun and easy little kit from Target that included everything you need to plant a tomato plant and some basil leaves. He thought it was the greatest fun! I'll be sure to keep you updated. Hopefully something will sprout soon. Does anyone know how long it takes??? Target left that part out of the directions.

I promise this is what the directions said to do with the "peat"?

A tiny tomato seed...actually there were 10. Check Jake out in the background!

"Are they growing yet Mommy?" says Bryce about 38 seconds after we were finished. Oh boy, this should be an interesting lesson. I feel like a teacher again!


We decided to have a little photo session on Hailey's bed (wierd location right?) in our Easter clothes...started out great, then Hailey gave "the face" to warn us that she's had enough. Bryce on the otherhand has become quite the little ham for the camera and I just love it! It helps that he's so handsome too! Note: I have yet to capture that perfect picture of my two kiddos where both of them are actually looking, not making wierd faces, or teasing each other, and smiling at the same time. Impossible!!!

Having just said that, I think this one actually comes pretty close to perfection (if Bryce would just stick his tongue back in his mouth :). I knew I could find something.

Here's the look...I've had enough

Hailey and her new purse with dog inside

Gramma and Pop pop

Dying Easter Eggs

This is what Hailey did half way through dying the eggs.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Bryce had a Pirate and Princess Party at school last week. I must say, he was the best dressed pirate around...thanks Glenna!

Hailey thought he was very cool that day

"I'm Two"

Look out world...our little miss is TWO years old. On Saturday we had a Winnie the Pooh party with some family and friends. Hailey loved telling everyone she is 2, but has not yet mastered the finger skill with 2 fingers. Here are some pics.

Loving all her gifts

The fam in the hot tub

Kissing more gifts

Eating with some friends and Bryce

A fabulous treat from Aunt Bri

Mommy's attempt at a "cupcake cake"

Oh it is...I'm two (but with one finger)

Our girl

Let me start right here...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Beach Day

You just can't beat a playdate at the beach...

A very difficult task to get them all looking...Chase, Bryce and Hailey

I'll feed you my sand if you feed me yours

Playing with truck...

Playing with truck some more...

Looking for truck...and it never came back

Our miss

Love this one

Cheap Fun

We thought and thought about something fun to do this past Saturday with the kids, but didn't come up with many appealing ideas. So we decided to get in the car and "drive" somewhere. Little did we know, "fun" wasn't far. Bryce saw the huge fishtank at Dick's and was sold...well not really, it was all free! Learning to fish

"Kayaking" with Daddy in the 2 foot deep pool :) Check out the life vests needed for kayaking in knee deep water. Note: this is Bryce's version of "thumbs up".

This is as close as it gets for the miss...maybe next time?

Hailey's first mall-merry-go-round-ride without freaking out to get off

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bryce turns 4

I know I never sent out pics of Bryce's fourth know you've been asking, so here they are. We had a Ninja Turtle birthday at the park with family and some of Bryce's buddies. It was "turtley-awesome"!

Bryce pulling up to his party with his best girl...

The crazy boys

Oops...forgot to charge the ride...what they'll do for some driving time...

Chillin with a good ole juice box and pizza

Bryce, our little man, is four...can you believe it...we can't!

They Sleep too!

They play...

And play...

Some more.

They're silly...

But oh do they sleep...

And sleep