Monday, April 14, 2008

Some "me" time

First let me start by recapping what an awful week I had prior to this "me time". Bryce came down with the flu on Thursday night and I came down with the flu Wednesday afternoon which equates to 9 straight days in this house with 2 kids, one sick as a dog, and one literally banging on the back door to go outside to play. Did I mention that I got the flu too? Now I know this might not sound so horrible to some of you (all 5 of you who actually read this blog) but for me I truly think there were tears shed over this situation. It literally makes my skin crawl to not be able to go outside, clean my house, organize things, get on my computer, and to watch germs multiply.

Last weekend my sister treated my mom and I to some R&R for 2 whole nights. I'm pretty sure we defined R&R .... here are some of my favorite parts of that much needed break...thanks Bri. And a big thank you to my wonderful hubby for watching the kiddos and as if that's not enough...for cleaning the entire house on his own (toilets, floors, vacuum, the whole deal).

Highlight #1: only 1 small suitcase needed

Highlight #2: comfy, cozy, fancy beds (well, fancier than mine and kid free)

Highlight #3: can you believe there was a "sleep package" on the beds complete with eye mask, sleep CD, ear plugs, and some spray mist for the bedding

Highlight #4: sleeping was encouraged and enjoyed (oh yes, you know I used that eye mask)

Highlight #5: quality time for mother and daughters

Highlight #6: eating at one of my favorites with just adults

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