Thursday, August 21, 2008

TS Fay: Day 2

So after 2.5 days of utter boredum and rain induced depression (seriously folks), we decided to make a not so brilliant move. We took a family trip to see Star Wars the new cartoon. Let's just say it made me sick to spend money on a movie Bryce has already seen, but hey, we're talking about our mental state here. We should have just saved the money because the drive to and from the movies was much more interesting than than any cartoon...even if you're Bryce.
There were numerous times that I thought we were not going to make it through the flood waters. We attempted to go to the theater close to our house, but when I saw a car coming out of the parking lot with water up to the middle of it's door, I said, "Oh, hell no babe, we're not going in there in the Odyssey minivan." I secretly think he was ready for the adventure and bumbed by my safe attitude. Needless to say, we drove 30 minutes to another theater where Bryce and I ended up completely soaked because, according to Brian, I don't know how to properly operate an umbrella in 50 mph wind gusts. The thing seriously turned completely inside out and was literally pulling my body with it. Bryce was hysterical.

Let me also say that although, I use a certain "joking-blog-tone" on this blog, these pictures are not to take lightly. These are people's homes and lives that have been destroyed. We are so blessed thus far.

This is a front yard that is directly across the street from our subdivision.

A twosome cayaking in the street or parking lot. Now that's not something you see everyday guys.

One of the mobile home parks near our house. Yes, that is a person up to his waist in water in the middle of his street.

This is actually right off of a main intersection. This pic has been all over the news. This is less than a mile from our house. The white "thing" floating in the water is a car.

This is my cousin Jeanne and her daughter Natalie in their street as they attempt to take on the river in a blow-up house.

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