Monday, July 13, 2009


It's always fun to visit Kansas in the summers. We do lots of relaxing, visiting with family, eating, hunting, and fishing. The kids especially love it because everyone there is so laid back. Therefore, there are little restrictions on bedtimes, naps (for the Miss), junk food, car seats (hence riding in the back of pick-ups), dinner times, etc... It's a nice change from my routines here in Florida. They keep asking when they're going back.
Thanks so much to Jeff and Regan for allowing us to crash their house for an entire week.
Brody and Bryce chilling in the back of the pick-up.

Bryce's first catch all by himself.

Hailey and her new BFF, Minnie.

Bryce's first BB gun. All he wanted to do was to "go and shoot stuff."

Fireworks on the 4th.

Jet Ski riding at the lake.

Some tubing action for Jeff and Brian.

Hailey and Morgan playing at the friends.

A day at the park in the beautiful 80 degree weather.

Brian and his mom, Shelia

4-wheeling out in the country aka The Carson's house.

This is my favorite. Grocery shopping in the country.

Look at this cutie,'s fun to catch toads.

Bryce and Hunter catching goldfish in the horse tanks.

The family out to dinner for Shelia's birthday.

Gramma and her kiddos.

Family shot.

Uncle Jeff and his buds.

The cousins...Cash, Bryce, Hunter, Morgan, Hailey

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