Friday, July 25, 2008

Summer Days

...are my favorite!!! We've had such an enjoyable week so far with lots of "kids and their friends time" which equates to mommy time too. Here's a recap of our days....

Friday: Playdate at our house with friends: Tristan, Bryce, Aaron, Alyson, Anya, and Hailey. Wild boys jumping in the pool.

Yummy lunch and fruit salad...

Monday: Weekly trip to Publix for grocery shopping. Bryce insisted on trying the new cereal straws that you drink milk with. We bought some, rushed home and tried them out even before the bags were unloaded bc someone had ants in their pants. Soon after drinking milk with them (which took 5 minutes of straight drinking bc Bryce claims the cereal straw was "too tight") and one bite later, Bryce exclaims, "Mommy, these taste like poop!" So, needless to say, they were NOT a big hit in the Turner household. And by the way, new fun around here for the month has been anything that contains the word "poop" in it.

Tuesday: Not pictured, but definitely worth workday to do paperwork for Sheer. The kids went to SeaWorld for the entire day (from 7:00 am - 12:30 am) with my sister and her fiance. I think my sister seriously needs to have her head examined for wanting to travel through SeaWorld with 4 kids in this 100 degree weather for 17.5 hours. She's a better woman than I am. And yes, it took me that long to do paperwork...okay, not really, but it sure was fun to have the day to myself.

Wednesday: Stay at home day and irritate mom until finally she got some sense knocked into her and took these 2 children outside. Bubbles were a hit this day. This made me smile.

I really do want her hair...

Thursday: Rainy afternoon. Laying on my bed watching Nemo for the 1000th time. Hailey's new favorite...good thing bc I was getting sick of Aristocats and Cinderella every morning.

Friday: Playdate at Christy's house with Tristan, Anya, Aaron, Alyson, Bryce, Hailey, and Will. We thought we'd try a water balloon toss...well, see what luck we had. I think they threw and broke all of the balloons in 2 minutes flat. So much for a game....but there was much fun.

Next is dressing like Superman...nothing like good blackmail.

After a long nap, we topped the day off with some neighborhood friends at our house. These kids swam from 5:30pm-9:30pm with only one break to devour 40 chicken nuggets. Needless to say, everyone is pooped out and sleeping...I'm tired!

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