Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas ... in January

Yes... apparently working, being a mom, a wife, and an accountant for a bar has taken priority over my blog. Where I used to write "update blog" on my handy dandy to-do list, I now replace that with "play with kids." Sad, I know. Working with little ones is definitely a of which I'm not sure if I'm equipped to take on...emotionally. Needless to say, this lifestyle change has now forced me to truly experience the meaning of "making the most of your moments." Here are some moments I enjoyed over Winter Break!

Bryce on Christmas morning excited about his long awaited Spaceship set with aliens...all of which I've seen him play with one time...go figure.

Hailey on Christmas morning dressed to impress...this is her at her best and in all her glory!

My two babies on Christmas Eve.

The Miss


Our annual Christmas gathering with friends. This year it was at Nikki's house...again...thanks!

Our family made Gingerbread House...not bad eh?

Christmas lights hayride with the Meiningers. Thanks guys, for inviting us to all this stuff! Miss you's!

While Brian is trying to sleep on Saturday mornings (from a long night at Sheer), this is what we find the kids doing. Yes, in our bedroom where Brian is trying to snooze. Sorry babe!


Jen S. said...

I'd be happy to make you a new header on one update MORE ofter. This teaching gig has turned you into a blog slacker. :)

Nicole said...

I know, but let's be honest...before the teaching "gig" I was pretty good, no? What do I need to send you for the header?